The Tutorial
Step 1
File - New - Open a new Transparent image 900 x 600 pixels
Mehdi - Wavy Lab 1.1
Step 2
Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles
Adjust - Sharpness- Sharpen
Step 3
Effects - Plugins - Jeux de Lignes - Entrelacement
Adjust - Sharpness- Sharpen
Step 4
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood fill tool / Fill in the layer with color 4 #ffffff
Step 5
Open mask - mnmask_andrea01
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image (Invert mask data not checked)
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Step 6
Activate the Pick Tool (K)
Mode: Scale
Enter these values for Positions X and Y, and for Scale (%) X and Y on the Toolbar
X: 72.00 Y: 450.00
Scale X(%): 100.00; Scale Y(%): 54.00
Press M on your keyboard to release the Pick Tool
Step 7
In your Layer Properties - set the Blend mode to Overlay and the Opacity to 50%
Step 8
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood fill tool /Fill in the Layer with Color 4 #ffffff
Step 9
Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load Mask From Disk
Look for and load mask - mnmask_andrea2
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Step 10
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Disk
Look for and load the selection - mnsel_Andrea1
Selections - Modify - Feather - Feather amount 50
Press the Delete key on your keyboard
Selections - Select None
Step 11
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More
In your Layer Properties - set the Blend mode to Dodge and the Opacity to 50%
Step 12
Layers - New Raster Layer
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Disk
Look for and load the selection - mnandrea_selection2
Step 13
Open tube - mnmistedcity01
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste - Paste into Selection on your working image
Step 14
Effects - Plugins - AP [Lines] - Lines - SilverLining
Dotty Grid - Gap 3; Cutoff -1; Line 10; Color RGB - 255
Selections - Select None
Step 15
In your Layer Properties - set the Blend mode to Screen and the Opacity to 50%
Step 16
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood fill tool / Fill in the layer with color 1 #253a4d
Step 17
Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load Mask From Disk
Look for and load mask - mnmask_andrea3
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Step 18
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (0/0/100/55.00) color 3 #65eeed - Shadow on new layer not checked
(Note: When using your own colors, choose a complementary medium color - I used color #81d1d0 for my second version)
Step 19
Effects - Plugins - AP [Lines] - Lines - SilverLining
Dotty Grid - Gap 3; Cutoff -1; Line 10; Color RGB -0
In your Layer Properties - set the Blend mode to Screen
(Note: In my second version I set the Blend mode to Hard Light)
Step 20
Open the character tube - poser Carrie_AJ
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer on your working image
Image - Resize - 70% - Resize All Layers - Not Checked
Image - Resize - 85% - Resize All Layers - Not Checked
(Note: Depending on your tube resize according to your own discretion.)
Activate the Pick Tool (K)
Enter these values for positions X and Y on the Toolbar
X: 367.00 Y: 26.00
(Note: When you use your own tube position it as shown on the final result above)
Step 21
Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective shadow
Your layers look like this:
Step 22
Activate the bottom layer - Raster 1
Edit - Copy
Step 23
Image - Add Borders - 2 px - Symmetric checked - color 4 #ffffff
Selections - Select All
Image - Add Borders - 40 px - Symmetric checked - color 4 #ffffff
Selections - Invert
Edit - Paste - Paste into Selection
Step 24
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur (Radius 25)
Step 25
Effects - Plugins - Jeux de Lignes - Entrelacement
Selections - Select None
Step 26
Image - Add Borders - 2 px - Symmetric checked - color 4 #ffffff
Step 27
Selections - Select All
Step 28
Selections - Modify - Contract (Number of pixels 44)
Selections - Invert
Step 29
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood fill tool / Fill in the layer color 4 #ffffff
Step 30
Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load Mask From Disk
Look for and load mask - mnmask_andrea3
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Selections - Select None
Step 31
Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling
Step 32
Layers - Duplicate
Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical
(older versions of PSP - Image - Flip)
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Step 33
Effects - Distortion Effects - Wind
Effects - Distortion Effects - Wind
Step 34
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Step 35
Selections - Select All
Selections - Modify - Contract (Number of pixels 42)
Step 36
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (0/0/50/45.00) color black #000000 - Shadow on new layer not checked
Selections - Select None
Step 37
Open the wordart tube - mntext
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer on your working image
Step 38
Colorize with color 2 #92bfdc
or use Color Changer to replace the color with color 2
Position the tube as shown on the final result or at your own discretion
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (1/-1/65/1.00) color black #000000 - Shadow on new layer not checked
In your Layer Properties - set the Blend mode to Dodge and the Opacity to 85%
Step 39
Layers - New Raster Layer
Add your name or watermark
Step 40
Layers - Merge - Merge All (Flatten)
Image - Resize - 900 pixels width (the height will adapt)
File - Export - Save as JPG file
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
If you do this tutorial, please email your version to me
My second version in a different color
Tubes used - my own
Your Versions
Thank you so much Franie Margot for your magnificent versions
Thank you so much Andrea (Sternchens) for your magnificent version
Thank you so much Anja for your magnificent version
Thank you so much Vera Mendes for your magnificent versions
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